19 Aug 2019

History of Java | You Should Know Everything

This article is about the History of Java. Here we will try to go deep and will see every aspect of Java History from James Gosling to Oracle.

History of Java

In 1991, James Gosling started a programming language project with Patrick Naughton and Mike Sheridan. The first reason behind creating a programming language was set-top boxes, televisions and the cable industry but soon they realized that this technology is too advanced for that.

James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, and Mike Sheridan... (The Green Team)

During creating, the name of the project was Oak. It was taken from the Oak tree which was near the office of James Gosling. But soon after the Oak technologies claimed the trademark and the team changed the name from Oak to Green Project. Somewhere the Green Project is also called the Stealth Project. But this was also not permanent. Then the name changed to Java, which is taken from Java coffee.

The team tried to focus on C and C++ features and added them to the Java Programming Langauge. They struggled to create a language better than C and C++

Posted in  on August 19, 2019 by team |