5 Oct 2019

List of Features of Java with Explanation

Features of Java
Features of Java
This article is about the Features of Java. Here we will try to go deep and will see every feature of Java from Object-Oriented to Platform Independent.

Features of Java

The features of Java are countless. The world does not know each and every feature of Java except the creator of Java, James Gosling. But I will try to cover most features of Java. Even if you know anything which is not shared below, you can approach me using the contact page and tell me about that.
  1. Object-Oriented
  2. Simple
  3. Architecture-Neutral
  4. Secure
  5. Dynamic
  6. Distributed
  7. Interpreted
  8. Multithreaded
  9. Robust
  10. Portable
  11. High Performance
  12. Platform Independent


Like C++ many other languages, Java is also an object-oriented programming language. Even C++ is semi object-oriented programming while Java is fully object-oriented programming. When I am writing about the features of Java. I can't miss the object-orientation feature in Java. This is the main advantage of Java. Everything we write in Java is inside the object/class. So here we can reuse the code easily. Object-Oriented programming is supporting the following features.
  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Abstraction
  6. Encapsulation
You will learn further about Object-Oriented programming in later chapters in this blog.


Yes, of course. Java is simple for those who really understand or want to understand the basic structures of programming languages. It looks difficult in some situations because it has many features to do anything to create anything to control anything So just because Java is good in that way, we can not say that Java is difficult.
Some important points

  1. When I am writing about the features of Java. One thing I want to add in it. Java programming language is also easy to understand and easy to learn who already know C++ because most of the syntax of Java is as C++.
  2. Java does not use poor programming methods: operator overloading, header files, pointers, multiple inheritance, goto statements, structure, and it is a plus point for Java.


Before writing my list of features of Java. I have read many blogs that are trying to say that Java is architecture-neutral because, after compilation of code, it builds a bytecode/portable code/WORA code/class file. But this is not the reason. Because of it, we can say Java is Platform-Independent, not Architecture-Neutral.
Wait... Java is Architecture-Neutral because it creates the same bytes of memory for the 32bit system and 64bit system. Take windows as an example. It does not matter, you are using 32bit architecture version windows or 64bit architecture version windows. The Java program will work in both, the same ways.
Posted in  on October 05, 2019 by team |  

19 Aug 2019

History of Java | You Should Know Everything

This article is about the History of Java. Here we will try to go deep and will see every aspect of Java History from James Gosling to Oracle.

History of Java

In 1991, James Gosling started a programming language project with Patrick Naughton and Mike Sheridan. The first reason behind creating a programming language was set-top boxes, televisions and the cable industry but soon they realized that this technology is too advanced for that.

James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, and Mike Sheridan... (The Green Team)

During creating, the name of the project was Oak. It was taken from the Oak tree which was near the office of James Gosling. But soon after the Oak technologies claimed the trademark and the team changed the name from Oak to Green Project. Somewhere the Green Project is also called the Stealth Project. But this was also not permanent. Then the name changed to Java, which is taken from Java coffee.

The team tried to focus on C and C++ features and added them to the Java Programming Langauge. They struggled to create a language better than C and C++
Posted in  on August 19, 2019 by team |  

13 Aug 2019

What is Java? | What is Java used for? | Java Programming

What is Java
What is Java
This is not a tutorial, as mentioned in the title. In this post, I will try to tell you what is java exactly.

What is Java

Java is an object-oriented, concurrent, class-based, general-purpose, high-level,  secured programming language and itself a platform (platform-independent) which is used to develop computer and mobile applications.
The first and only reason for designing Java is to have fewer implementation dependencies.
Java is also called a WORA language. Its an abbreviation of Write Once Run Anywhere. It means that the code you will write in Java, After compiling it, it will create a class file that class file will be the bytecode which can be executed in any device which supports Java Virtual Machine.
How it is platform-independent will be explained later in this article.
Java was created by James Gosling and with his team inside Sun Microsystems in 1995 and later in 2009 owned by Oracle. It is the most used programming language nowadays. Java was called OAK before, later its name changed to Java. Firstly it was created for set-top boxes, it was not much successful in that aim. Then Java got many updates to make it stable for the World Wide Web, then it becomes much popular. According to Oracle, over 3 billion devices use Java.
The basic programming concept in Java is driven from C and C++. But Java also has some low-level language features which C and C++ don't have.
Oracle is the only owner now of official implementations of the Java SE platform, and Oracle implementations are also available for Microsoft, Unix, and Solaris and Linx.
The implementation of Oracle is prepackaged into 2 completely different distributions:

  1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE): that contains the components of the Java SE platform needed to run Java programs and is meant for the end-users.
  2. Java Development Kit (JDK): that is meant for package developers and includes development tools like the Java compiler, Javadoc, Jar, and a program.

You can create any type of apps using Java almost. It covers a wide area of development.
It is used to create:-

  1. Web applications
  2. Mobile applications (especially Android apps)
  3. Games
  4. Application servers and web servers
  5. Database connection
  6. It is also used to build IoT devices.
  7. And much more.

Robust Garbage Collection

Java is also called a robust language because it does somethings by itself. it works with the heap memory and finds, identify and destroy the unreachable objects in the object cycle. Here the developer doesn't need to do anything all the garbage collection process gets done in Java Virtual Machine, this is why Robust Garbage Collection is the most recognized feature of Java. 
What is Java will be an incomplete post if we will not talk about its popularity?

A very Basic Java Program

public class HelloWorldApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");     // Prints Hello World! to the console.

This is not for understanding, You will learn and understand it in later tutorials. As this is an article "What is Java?" Just see the code, how it looks and try to observe.
We save Java file with the extension .java and after compilation of that file, another file we get that is a class file and its extension is .class

Why Java is so popular?

The first thing behind Java's popularity is that the whole world uses smartphones, and android phone users are more than iPhone users, even Playstore has more apps than Appstore. And android apps are developed using Java. Java is popular also because it is platform-independent as told above. So how it is platform-independent while each and every software needs an operating system, platform or environment to hold control and run the software. Because, Java is itself a platform, or we can say it has its own platform to run its apps. So no matter which is an outer operating system or device. It never checks for that. It just installs its own platform to run its apps, that is also called Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
In other words, we can surely say that the Java code you wrote and compiled in Windows can be executed in Unix also.
The compiled code in Java is called bytecode or portable code which can be executed in every device which supports Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Most of operating systems really welcome (supports) Java apps including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
I always try to focus on the title of the post, I always try to focus on the reason for the post. That is why I only write about the titled topic, not the left and right things. So please try to understand this post was only about java as mentioned in the title "What is Java".
So the title of this article was What is Java. I hope you guys know now that what is Java. You can use below links to know more about the terms related to Java.

You can use the below link to download the latest version of Java.
Download Java
Posted in  on August 13, 2019 by team |  

11 Aug 2019


Welcome Post
Welcome Post
Welcome to our blog.
Welcome My Java Tutorials is a blog about Java Tutorials, where we share detailed tutorials related to Java and other programming languages.

Posted in  on August 11, 2019 by team |